Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The American Quarter Horse Association Supports Horse Slaughter

The AQHA ( American Quarter Horse Association) supports horse slaughter. Many AQHA members were stunned to learn this fact. It became apparent yesterday when AQHA journal released this article:Don't let our nation's horses suffer any longer. The title alone is misleading. Some people don't know that in order to slaughter a horse that has any form of drugs in the system, the horse has to be starved to near death. I also want to note the main reason horse slaughter was stopped in the U.S was due to sanitary/health issues. Most horses in the United States have been given Bute. Bute is banned to be given to any live stock if that live stock will be used for human consumption. Bute is banned because once the live stock consumes bute, the medicine never leaves the system and effects the meat. If a human consumes meat with bute in it, that person can get severely sick. In fact people were getting sick, hence why horse slaughter in America was made illegal. Let us not forget, that horse slaughter was also ended due to poor slaughter house regulations.

The AQHA is asking it's members to not support : S.1176 American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act of 2011- A bill to amend the Horse Protection Act to prohibit the shipping, transporting, moving, delivering, receiving, possessing, purchasing, selling, or donation of horses and other equines to be slaughtered for human consumption, and for other purposes. ( this bill is the revamped HR503 act, Prevention Of Equine Cruelty Act.)

It boggles my mind how an equine establishment can oppose a bill which protects, Wild and Domestic Horses. This bill will also protect the health of people. The only reason why any establishment/business would be against this bill is because some how they profit off of slaughter. AQHA has a huge breeding program, they want people to breed/over breed.What the AQHA doesn't care about is the crimes that are promoted with horse slaughter, for example people's horses who were pets have been stolen and slaughtered. Now wait it gets better, this statement below is from R.T. Fitch's blog and it also shows where you can contact AQHA:

On July 12,2011 I posted this article: Why did the Prevention of Equine Cruelty Act/Anti Horse Slaughter Bill Not Pass?  This article explains who paid off politicians to oppose the Prevention Of Equine Cruelty Act. AQHA is one of the orgs on the list. 

Make AQHA pay for their political stance and boycott them! If you have a registered horse and you don't want your horse being at risk to be slaughtered, I would contact AQHA ASAP and let them have it. 

I had a American Quarter Horse, her name was Wrench, she was more then just a pet, she was my best friend. To me she was not live stock and I would never send her or any horse to slaughter. Here's an old photo of me and her when she was almost two:

All of the horses and ponies I have worked with were given bute at one time. I would assume that any horse who has had a person as an owner, has had bute. Just keep that in mind when thinking if horse slaughter should come back to the U.S.

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