Sunday, October 16, 2011

Day Of Rage!

Occupy Wall Street/Day of Rage

What is the Day Of Rage About?

These protests are about the corruption which harbors its self inside and around wall street. This is about all the corporate banksters and corporations who have robbed the people and who have created this economic collapse. The protest is also about the corruption in the U.S. Government. Many people in this protest are apart of the 9.1% who are unemployed, or who have been recently laid off; there are also college students and high school students in this protest. There are many school students who want to go to college, but due to rise in tuition find it hard to do so. There are students in this crowed who have recently graduated and have loans due, but no job in the field they specialized in.
These banksters don't care if you lost your job, or graduated and can't find a job that pays enough to cover the loan; they don't care if you have a family to provide for and are currently struggling to pay for the mortgage due to the rise in living costs. These banksters will take everything from you, because to them you are just a number.

Will the Day Of Rage do anything?

It is up to the American people to decide if the Day Of Rage Protest will have a real impact on society. Thus far this protest has shown the government and those in wall street that the American people are watching how these banksters spend and use their money. This protest shows the American people want the corporations to be held accountable for their actions. This protest has brought awareness to the American people about how corrupt the system is. Most of all, this protest has shown how Americans need to change the way they think! What I mean by that is, if you believed your main stream media was always going to inform you of what happens in the U.S; think again. If you believed police were really out to protect you and your rights; think again. If change is to happen people must start to come together, they must stop caring just about themselves and start caring about others. What happens to your fellow neighbor can happen to you. Poverty numbers and jobless numbers have risen and will continue to rise as long as the American people allow corruption to run its country.

Personal Note

I salute all those who are currently down on Wall Street. Don't ever give in and don't ever give up. In my opinion every single American should be out peacefully protesting for the same reasons. The belief you have to be at wall street to protest about this is false. You can protest about this on your street, in front of a government building or a bank. Protesting is not illegal in the United States, even if the police act other wise. Also every American should be sharing this information for our main stream media has not covered the full story.

*Update 10/16/2011*

Update* 10/15/2011*
This article has an awesome photo gallery!-Some demonstrators set fire to cars and break shop windows during protest against global economic policies.

Day of global Occupy protests gets under way

*Update 10/12/2011*

Interesting vid:

*Update 9/29/2011*
*Note: I am so glad this protest is finding its way to other states!!! So these videos will be going from newest to oldest.*

Occupy Philadelphia live:
#OccupyPhiladelphia! ( twitter)

Pilots Question United Continental Merger Issues in Wall Street Protest

Plutocracy + Police State = Fascism

Occupy Wall Street: inquiries launched as new pepper-spray video emerges

Michael Moore Doesn't Represent Whole Movement

*End Update*

*Update 9/27/2011*

Yahoo Appears To Be Censoring Email Messages About Wall Street Protests (Updated)
-"accidental" censorship.. Yeah ok, where have we heard this before? Remember the Ban BP page which was removed by Facebook? Facebook claimed that was an "accident" also, but only stated this after the owner of the BP Ban page got a lawyer; and also had organizations and media involved. So Yahoo is of course full of crap.

Lawrence O’Donnell rips ‘unprovoked police brutality’ at ‘Occupy Wall Street’

Protesters Dig in as Park Owner Seeks Their Eviction

Occupy Wall Street: 'Pepper-spray' officer named in Bush protest claim

‘Occupy Wall Street’ protesters get boost from filmmaker Michael Moore

*End Update* ( I have decided to just update how I usually do.So the new events are easy to view)

*End Update*

*I just found this video, very interesting and informative*
*End Update*

Live Stream/Live Blogs:

Global Revolution

Occupy Wall Street Take The Bull By The Horns

Occupy Wall Street Protest Escalates On Eighth Day 







Occupy Wall Street Protestors Take Fight to Broadway; 80 arrested [VIDEO]
 Occupy Wall Street Movement Reports 80 Arrested Today in Protests

Cops Tackle, Mace Wall St. Protesters for No Obvious Reason

Occupy Wall Street Protest: Five Arrested on Day Three

The call to occupy Wall Street resonates around the world

Day Of Rage: Wall St. Protests

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