Saturday, December 3, 2011

Message From Americans Against Horse Slaughter. link to message, message below Via Americans Against Horse Slaughter:
This was an annual Appropriations Bill which is basically a spending bill that encompasses spending in all areas of our government. Each year Congress must pass 13 appropriations bill to fund the various federal agencies. For several years Congress has been unable to pass individual bills so they have been passing packages of bills, which is what just happened. This bill included funding for the USDA, Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Department of Justice. It was necessary in order to keep the government afloat. These bills in some form pass every year. It was never a “horse slaughter bill”. There was actually no reference to horse slaughter in the entire bill. But here is how and why it impacted our horses:
In 2006 Congress put language in the Agriculture Appropriations Bill that cut off funding for horse meat inspections and for five years it stayed that way. That meant that no government money could be spent for inspections in horse slaughter plants. It was always supposed to be a short term fix until we got Federal legislation passed to end horse slaughter and the transport of our horses to slaughter in the U.S. or outside of the country. While we have made some headway and bills have been introduced in both the House and the Senate, we have been unable to get those bills out of committee and to the floor for a vote.
So, that brings us to this year. Two pro slaughter members of Congress quietly lifted the 5-year-old ban on funding horse meat inspections by taking out the language inserted in 2006. It did not, however, allocate any new money to pay for horse meat inspections, which could cost taxpayers $5 million or more dollars a year. The U.S. Department of Agriculture would have to find the money in its existing budget, which is expected to see more cuts this year as Congress and the White House aim to trim federal spending. The USDA will also have to take food safety and animal welfare inspectors away from our own food supply oversight.
Our fight for the horses is not over...Channel your passion in the right direction. Passing the Federal Legislation to end horse slaughter will make the Appropriations Bill meaningless. The American Horse Slaughter Prevention bills have already been introduced in both the House and the Senate. With enough cosponsors, we have a better chance of getting these bills to the floor for a vote.
We need to concentrate on gaining cosponsors and support for Senate bill S. 1176 and House bill H.R. 2966. We also need to attend Town Hall meetings.
Please call your members of Congress to find out when their next town hall meet is. You will need to call your Congressional members district offices at least once a week to get their current schedule. Speak up and let them know that horse slaughter is not acceptable and that any representative that supports it will not have your vote. Always be polite and respectful. But SHOW UP!!! Sitting behind a computer and signing petitions will only get us so far. We need more.
This newest event has brought horse slaughter to the forefront and we now have many more people aware of the situation. Our membership has grown by leaps and bounds just in the last week. Let’s use that to our advantage and strike while the issue is in the news!
To make it easier, we are including a link to the AWI Compassion Index where you can find your legislators and their contact info
We will be posting more information on additional strategy soon. A huge thanks to all of you who have been fighting to help our horses. Now is the time for ALL OF US to be the “War Horses”!!
Debra and Shelley

Monday, November 28, 2011

Horse Slaughter Is Now Legal In The U.S!

As you all know I have been doing everything in my ability to stop horse slaughter from being legalized. I have written all members of the committee and all my state reps. I have posted on many sites to make people aware of how dangerous horse slaughter is to not just horses, but humans. With a heavy heart I have to bring this news. I believe that with the passing of this bill only shows, bills are passed due to greed, not because of public support or facts.

U.S. Equine Slaughter Legal Again

Already State Reps are gearing to slaughter: "Entities already are considering opening plants in Oregon, and possibly Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Georgia and Missouri, slaughter plant proponent Sue Wallis said.Between 120,000 to 200,000 horses will be killed for human consumption per year, she estimates.In coming months, the first couple of plants may open, said Wallis."

U.S. horse slaughter plants in the very early stages of planning, proponent says

What will we see if plants re-open?

Horse slaughter plants were shut down in 2007 and slaughter made illegal due to the unsanitary conditions the equine slaughter houses were kept. More importantly due to the amount of children, pets and adults getting sick off the equine meat. Most horses in America have bute in their system. Bute is a medicine given to treat pain or muscle/joint issues in horses. Once a horse consumes bute the medicine never leaves the horses system. Anyone who consumes equine meat with bute in it will get severely sick.

WHEN HORSE SLAUGHTER COMES TO TOWN <-this article is more then just a look into the past of how bad horse slaughter was. This article is now the bases for our future. We will see this happen again, because we still see this happen with poultry, pig and cattle slaughter farms. The only difference is with cattle, pigs, chickens, Bute is banned to give to them. Horse's are much more trickier because they are not raised on a farm for slaughter; they are either rejected by previous owners, severely sick or stolen when being sent to slaughter.

How can we stop equine slaughter from becoming common in the U.S?

Each state can have a choice whether or not to ban horse slaughter officially. Contact your local reps ( this includes federal reps, governors, senators, congressmen) Tell them you do not support equine slaughter. Ask them to pass S1176 the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act of 2011.

Click Here To Contact You Local Senators
Click Here To Contact You Local Congressmen

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Government Accountability Office (GAO) At Risk!

Our government plans on cutting the GAO, so less regulations can be in place to fight corruption. At least this is how I look at this move. Here's a video on it:

Report Slams Congress For Attacking Its Own Budget-Saving Watchdog 

Congress To Cut Financial Market Watchdog’s Funding In Latest Round Of Budget Negotiations


MF Global

Insight: Anger rises as MF Global clients see billions frozen

MF Global Customers Hope for Funds

These two articles above are the most recent on MF Global. It seems that the money is now MIA which customers from MF Global were supposed to get. Here's reuters article which was posted on the 17th. I want to quote a few lines before posting the link:

Later on Thursday, the company announced J. Randy MacDonald, its global head of retail, was no longer employed.

The company said in a U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filing that MacDonald had "ceased to be employed" and would not receive severance or termination payments.

MacDonald was owed $8.9 million in severance, according to a July proxy filing. His departure comes two weeks after MF's chief executive, former New Jersey governor and Goldman Sachs head Jon Corzine, resigned without taking roughly $9 million in severance.

Chief Operating Officer Bradley Abelow, also entitled to about $9 million in severance, is still employed. A spokeswoman for MF Global did not return a call seeking comment on Thursday.

MF, which went bankrupt October 31, laid off nearly half its staff, including more than 1,000 employees of the company's broker-dealer unit.

Full article here:WRAPUP 3-MF Global customers to get long-sought $520 mln

It's obvious these guys were messing with people's money, both MacDonald and Jon Corzine need to be sent to jail.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Palestine comes closer to becoming reconized as a State in the United Nations!

UNESCO gives Palestinians full membership


UN cultural agency grants membership to Palestine


Honestly let them be recognized as a state in the U.N. Even if this causes conflict in Isreal it still shows Palestine  is trying to become independent yet still work with the U.N. We should allow them to become apart of the U.N, this could open more relations and may also help with peace talks. The U.S doesn't want Palestine to gain any power just because we probably want to eventually go to war with them. I don't think any excuse the U.S gives is really valid,we've f'd up so much over in the middle east.


Sunday, October 16, 2011

Day Of Rage!

Occupy Wall Street/Day of Rage

What is the Day Of Rage About?

These protests are about the corruption which harbors its self inside and around wall street. This is about all the corporate banksters and corporations who have robbed the people and who have created this economic collapse. The protest is also about the corruption in the U.S. Government. Many people in this protest are apart of the 9.1% who are unemployed, or who have been recently laid off; there are also college students and high school students in this protest. There are many school students who want to go to college, but due to rise in tuition find it hard to do so. There are students in this crowed who have recently graduated and have loans due, but no job in the field they specialized in.
These banksters don't care if you lost your job, or graduated and can't find a job that pays enough to cover the loan; they don't care if you have a family to provide for and are currently struggling to pay for the mortgage due to the rise in living costs. These banksters will take everything from you, because to them you are just a number.

Will the Day Of Rage do anything?

It is up to the American people to decide if the Day Of Rage Protest will have a real impact on society. Thus far this protest has shown the government and those in wall street that the American people are watching how these banksters spend and use their money. This protest shows the American people want the corporations to be held accountable for their actions. This protest has brought awareness to the American people about how corrupt the system is. Most of all, this protest has shown how Americans need to change the way they think! What I mean by that is, if you believed your main stream media was always going to inform you of what happens in the U.S; think again. If you believed police were really out to protect you and your rights; think again. If change is to happen people must start to come together, they must stop caring just about themselves and start caring about others. What happens to your fellow neighbor can happen to you. Poverty numbers and jobless numbers have risen and will continue to rise as long as the American people allow corruption to run its country.

Personal Note

I salute all those who are currently down on Wall Street. Don't ever give in and don't ever give up. In my opinion every single American should be out peacefully protesting for the same reasons. The belief you have to be at wall street to protest about this is false. You can protest about this on your street, in front of a government building or a bank. Protesting is not illegal in the United States, even if the police act other wise. Also every American should be sharing this information for our main stream media has not covered the full story.

*Update 10/16/2011*

Update* 10/15/2011*
This article has an awesome photo gallery!-Some demonstrators set fire to cars and break shop windows during protest against global economic policies.

Day of global Occupy protests gets under way

*Update 10/12/2011*

Interesting vid:

*Update 9/29/2011*
*Note: I am so glad this protest is finding its way to other states!!! So these videos will be going from newest to oldest.*

Occupy Philadelphia live:
#OccupyPhiladelphia! ( twitter)

Pilots Question United Continental Merger Issues in Wall Street Protest

Plutocracy + Police State = Fascism

Occupy Wall Street: inquiries launched as new pepper-spray video emerges

Michael Moore Doesn't Represent Whole Movement

*End Update*

*Update 9/27/2011*

Yahoo Appears To Be Censoring Email Messages About Wall Street Protests (Updated)
-"accidental" censorship.. Yeah ok, where have we heard this before? Remember the Ban BP page which was removed by Facebook? Facebook claimed that was an "accident" also, but only stated this after the owner of the BP Ban page got a lawyer; and also had organizations and media involved. So Yahoo is of course full of crap.

Lawrence O’Donnell rips ‘unprovoked police brutality’ at ‘Occupy Wall Street’

Protesters Dig in as Park Owner Seeks Their Eviction

Occupy Wall Street: 'Pepper-spray' officer named in Bush protest claim

‘Occupy Wall Street’ protesters get boost from filmmaker Michael Moore

*End Update* ( I have decided to just update how I usually do.So the new events are easy to view)

*End Update*

*I just found this video, very interesting and informative*
*End Update*

Live Stream/Live Blogs:

Global Revolution

Occupy Wall Street Take The Bull By The Horns

Occupy Wall Street Protest Escalates On Eighth Day 







Occupy Wall Street Protestors Take Fight to Broadway; 80 arrested [VIDEO]
 Occupy Wall Street Movement Reports 80 Arrested Today in Protests

Cops Tackle, Mace Wall St. Protesters for No Obvious Reason

Occupy Wall Street Protest: Five Arrested on Day Three

The call to occupy Wall Street resonates around the world

Day Of Rage: Wall St. Protests

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Obama's Plan To Create Jobs.

 Obama's Job Plan

 *Update 10/12/2011*
I may not of agreed with the job plan 100%, however I still wanted it to pass. Now Tax cuts and other cuts, also Social Security Cuts will be added into the "new" jobs plan. Republicans continue to prove time and time again, they are not willing to make sacrifices. This also proves that our government is funded by corporations for the corporations want tax cuts and this job bill was going to do away with corporate tax loop holes and subsidies.

Democrats Press Jobs Plan in Pieces After Hitting Wall

U.S. Senate Shelves Obama’s $447 Billion Job Creation Plan
*End Update*

*Update 9/13/2011*
House Republicans oppose Obama's method to pay for jobs plan
This article posted by CNN explains how Obama plans to pay for his Job Plan. I do agree with how Pres. Obama plans to pay for his Job Act, I agree to an end to the tax subsidies. Why should a company be subsidized off of what they do when they are profiting greatly from it and not returning anything which benefits America? Exxon makes trillions of dollars and has been nothing but causing disasters for our land, they deserve to lose their tax subsidies. Obama's plan also includes taking away some tax breaks, which is another smart move. I've said many times in order to fix our current situation we have to do away with Corporate Tax subsidies and tax cuts; I also said get rid of corporate lobbyists, but that's never going to happen. So personally I agree to this pay plan and I also think the real reason Republicans oppose this bill is because of their Corporate Lobbyists.

There are still parts of Obama's Job Plan I do not agree too like the Georgia Works. I don't agree to the Pay Roll Tax cuts because that will effect Social Security. I do agree to bringing teachers back to schools and improving our infrastructure. However there are a lot of things in this plan that are going to take years to get done, this is not an overnight plan that's going to put people back to work right away. Some Americans will benefit from this package, but I still believe unemployment even after this plan goes through will increase.

*End Update*

*Update 9/12/2011*

*Update 9/09/2011*
"Obama did not spell out exactly how he would pay for the measures contained in his nearly $450 billion American Jobs Act but said he would send his proposed specifics in a week to the new congressional supercommittee charged with finding budget savings. White House aides suggested that new deficit spending in the near-term to try to promote job creation would be paid for in the future — the "out years," in legislative jargon — but they did not specify what would be cut or what revenues they would use.Essentially, the jobs plan is an IOU from a president and lawmakers who may not even be in office down the road when the bills come due. Today's Congress cannot bind a later one for future spending. A future Congress could simply reverse it."-Fact-checking claims made during president's speech to joint session of Congress

*End Update*

*Update 9/08/2011*

I first want to add the speech started off weird as if Americans needed to be reminded on how bad our economy has gotten, we already know what we go through. According to Obama's speech 447billion will be going towards the American Jobs Act. It includes more tax cuts/breaks to those who hire. ( remember tax cuts mean less money going to budget/debt.) This also includes a pay roll tax cut, however the money from the payroll  would of gone into Social Security, according to this plan Social Security will not receive that money. So what this means is more money will be in your paycheck, but as for long term less money will be put into your Social Security. I still am at loss on how the American Jobs Act is going to be fully paid for when we are currently at 16 trillion dollars in debt. If no one is paying full taxes how is revenue going to be gained, well besides raising things like car registration, driver license renewal, traffic ticket violations etc.

As for Obama's School speech. Pa's Governor Tom Corbett cut 900million for education laying off over 4,000 teachers. How is Obama's plan going to stop cuts in education?I would rather see teachers rehired then a bunch of renovated empty schools. Truth is Obama's plan isn't going to be able to stop state budget cuts.

447billion sounds like a lot of money and it is. However if you break down all Obama wants to do for this plan, I don't think it's enough.  Road work alone in one state can cost up to a million+, with getting new materials, hiring workers etc.Then in that same state your going to rebuild schools, hire teachers and education staff...also your going to revamp the transportation system and hire new workers from that? This is a farce. Don't get me wrong a job plan to motivate businesses to hire is great. I would love to see all teachers get rehired back into the school system. I don't see this plan working out for the long run.

Obama also mentioned The Georgia Works Plan, which is a scam! Basically you enroll into this program where you work full time hours no full health coverage for eight weeks and get paid less then an actual hired employee would get. Unemployment benefits would be what you get paid and of course "job training." This means the business that is enrolled into the program doesn't have to hire new people, for the government will give them workers who will be paid by the government ( unemployment). OF COURSE businesses are going to take advantage of this. This also means if someone wanted to work for the business they would miss out because their pay grade would be higher then someone on unemployment. I do think the business would rather have a free worker then one they actually have to give money too and health benefits...

*End Update*

President Obama to unveil $300 billion jobs package"It's a major leadership moment for Obama," said Terry Madonna, a political scientist at Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. "He's running out of months before voters settle in on whether his presidency has failed. What a bold statement made by Terry Madonna. Although in my honest opinion with over 9.1% unemployed I believe there is no "settling in on whether his presidency has failed," people can tell he has failed in many ways.

How should Obama's $300 billion jobs plan be paid for?This is an article by Jack Caferty and I really love his opinion on this topic; especially this part "Apparently the cost of the roughly $300 billion will have to be offset by "tax increases in later years." It would all be part of a long-term deficit reduction plan that would include spending and entitlement cuts as well as tax increases.Translation: More empty rhetoric designed to justify more deficit government spending."

He kind of hits it on the head. In fact most of what Obama has promised is "later."Taxes have to raise that's the bottom line. Less Taxes means less money going into our deficit/debt/budgets. We are 16 trillion dollars in debt not just because of poor management spending, but also due to tax cuts and tax subsidies.
Obama broke his clean air promise, he said he wanted more green jobs last year and more regulations on air quality. That promise went nowhere when Obama's admin abandoned the stricter air rule. As for the green jobs A solar company known as Solyndra LLC of Fremont, Calif filed for bankruptcy this month and laid off over a thousand workers.

*End Update*

The article titled Obama to issue new proposals on job creation, debt reduction. was posted by the Washington Post. There are a couple topics which can be pulled from this article that stands out greatly. One is the disapproval of the American people on Obama's handling of these economic times. The other is Republicans will shoot this plan down. This plan also has a sense of doing this because re-election is coming up.
It is of no surprise the American people are not happy with Obama's handling of our debt and our country. I am sure over 9.1 % of the country are not happy with Obama and those 9.1% are on the record for being unemployed. Many people have been off of unemployment for a while who still are looking for jobs. Another issue is the working homeless. There are people who have jobs, but currently can't afford the cost of living. What good is creating jobs, when those jobs can't allow a person to live a stable and healthy life?

Obama Jobs Plan Meets Early Resistance From Republicans -This article by the Huffington Post mentions Republicans disagreement with this plan. I wanted to pull out this quote from the article.
Republicans are also pushing back on Obama's plan to extend emergency unemployment benefits. Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell (R) said on Sunday that while he would "consider" supporting the payroll tax cuts, he is less enthusiastic about unemployment insurance.
"I don't think that creates jobs," he said on CNN's "State of the Union." "It lessens the pain. The problem is we need to have things that create jobs, not just promote benefits for people that are not working."

I first want to add, that there should be a job plan in the works. Obama's plan doesn't look unfair. Republicans are shooting themselves in the foot. Instead of taking Obama's plan and providing ways to create jobs they are shooting his plan down and are also taking a shot at the unemployed. The reason for unemployment benefits is to prevent people from losing everything they have and to prevent people from living on the street or in places like Tent City, CA. There are a lot of reason people are being unemployed; besides jobs being outsourced, businesses aren't stabilizing( USPS one ex.),and some businesses lay off employees and then turn around and give pay raises to CEOs. There should be a penalty to any company which lays off people and gives pay raises to their CEOs. Republicans should never attack the American people, instead they should be turning their attention to the businesses which cost so many to lose their jobs in the first place. It is unfortunate that those businesses are also Lobbyist for many politicians.

If both parties can't come together to make a job plan, then Obama's efforts are futile. In order to get both parties on the same page the American people need to write and call their reps. If your from Virginia I would specifically send the quote above made by Gov. Bob McDonnell  and ask him, what he has against hard working Americans? It is hard working Americans who have been laid off by their employers. These Americans are not bottom feeders they are people who want to work and want to make a living and currently can't do that because many politicians are preventing any form of a job plan from being made.

This whole issue just shows most politicians are not for the American people, but for themselves.

*Update 9/02/2011*

"US economy created no job growth in August, data show.First time since 1945 that government has reported net monthly job change of zero"-Click Here For Article.

*End Update*

*Update 8/28/2011*
I have said this many times before and I quote from my Debt Deal Made-  "Be assured cuts will be made on programs people rely on, this in turn will increase the number of homeless and jobless. Spending cuts do mean job cuts." 

Below is an article by the Washington Post.
The next month or so will focus on EPA regulations. House Republicans would pull back an effort to regulate coal ash in mining-heavy states that they say would hinder concrete production and cost more than 100,000 jobs.-House GOP revs up a repeal, reduce and rein-in agenda for the fall.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The American Quarter Horse Association Supports Horse Slaughter

The AQHA ( American Quarter Horse Association) supports horse slaughter. Many AQHA members were stunned to learn this fact. It became apparent yesterday when AQHA journal released this article:Don't let our nation's horses suffer any longer. The title alone is misleading. Some people don't know that in order to slaughter a horse that has any form of drugs in the system, the horse has to be starved to near death. I also want to note the main reason horse slaughter was stopped in the U.S was due to sanitary/health issues. Most horses in the United States have been given Bute. Bute is banned to be given to any live stock if that live stock will be used for human consumption. Bute is banned because once the live stock consumes bute, the medicine never leaves the system and effects the meat. If a human consumes meat with bute in it, that person can get severely sick. In fact people were getting sick, hence why horse slaughter in America was made illegal. Let us not forget, that horse slaughter was also ended due to poor slaughter house regulations.

The AQHA is asking it's members to not support : S.1176 American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act of 2011- A bill to amend the Horse Protection Act to prohibit the shipping, transporting, moving, delivering, receiving, possessing, purchasing, selling, or donation of horses and other equines to be slaughtered for human consumption, and for other purposes. ( this bill is the revamped HR503 act, Prevention Of Equine Cruelty Act.)

It boggles my mind how an equine establishment can oppose a bill which protects, Wild and Domestic Horses. This bill will also protect the health of people. The only reason why any establishment/business would be against this bill is because some how they profit off of slaughter. AQHA has a huge breeding program, they want people to breed/over breed.What the AQHA doesn't care about is the crimes that are promoted with horse slaughter, for example people's horses who were pets have been stolen and slaughtered. Now wait it gets better, this statement below is from R.T. Fitch's blog and it also shows where you can contact AQHA:

On July 12,2011 I posted this article: Why did the Prevention of Equine Cruelty Act/Anti Horse Slaughter Bill Not Pass?  This article explains who paid off politicians to oppose the Prevention Of Equine Cruelty Act. AQHA is one of the orgs on the list. 

Make AQHA pay for their political stance and boycott them! If you have a registered horse and you don't want your horse being at risk to be slaughtered, I would contact AQHA ASAP and let them have it. 

I had a American Quarter Horse, her name was Wrench, she was more then just a pet, she was my best friend. To me she was not live stock and I would never send her or any horse to slaughter. Here's an old photo of me and her when she was almost two:

All of the horses and ponies I have worked with were given bute at one time. I would assume that any horse who has had a person as an owner, has had bute. Just keep that in mind when thinking if horse slaughter should come back to the U.S.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Eyes On Japan

I have for a while been collecting and updating articles about Japan and its crisis with Fukushima. When I get the chance I will update it. Here is what I have collected thus far. Be warned it's a lot.
*Update 10/10/2011*
This will be long for I haven't updated since the 20th so sorry about that newest will be on top*


Support for Japan PM dips after 1 month in office

Magnitude 5.6 quake jolts northeastern Japan: NHK

Decontamination plan compiled

All shelters closing in hard-hit Ishinomak

Japan to offer 10,000 free trips to foreigners to boost tourism industry

Gov't revises standard for decontamination work

Quake hits nuclear crisis zone, but plant stable

Fukushima starts thyroid tests for children

IAEA team arrives in Fukushima to observe decontamination effort

TEPCO creates simpler guide for compensation claims

Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant worker dies

Environmentalists pitch voyage in sea of tsunami debris

Contaminated soil found outside Fukushima no-go zone

Nuclear power essential to cut emissions: UK expert

IAEA to send 12 experts to help with Fukushima decontamination

Genkai nuclear reactor shut down in Saga; cause unknown

Radioactive ash causes Kashiwa incinerators to shut down

Panel on TEPCO reform calls for more cost-cutting measures

TEPCO report faults operating manual; disputes hydrogen explosion

Hula girls' spa reopens in Fukushima

Evacuee volunteers join teachers in school cleanup in Minami-Soma

Miyagi begins testing debris for radioactivity before sending it to other prefectures

Japan's answer to next tsunami: a mini-Noah's Ark

Gov't lifts evacuation advisory for 5 zones near nuclear plant

Plutonium detected in soil outside Fukushima nuclear plant

Tokyo gov't agrees to take 1,000 tons of debris from city in Iwate

Hermitage cuts short Japan exhibition tour due to radiation fears

Strong quake rocks northeast Japan

TEPCO says temperature of No. 2 reactor has dropped below 100 degrees C

Japan needs to consider nature-based solutions in rebuilding efforts: IUCN

Gov't faced with decontaminating millions of cubic meters of soil in 4 prefectures

Unemployment benefits extended for 90 days to those who lost jobs due to March 11 disaster

Fukushima City announces 2-year decontamination plan

Edano raps TEPCO over high salaries, compensation forms

U.N. agency to aid Fukushima decontamination

Demonstrators challenge gov't to build nuclear plant in Tokyo

Radiation found in rice from Fukushima Pref; more tests planned

TEPCO can't identify flammable gas in pipe at Fukushima nuclear reactor

Survey of Japanese students shows changes in attitudes, outlook since March disaster

Tohoku shinkansen back to normal operations for first time since March 11

Hydrogen buildup detected in No. 1 reactor at Fukushima plant

TEPCO to start payments to small business owners for losses

Chubu Electric starts building 18-meter seawall to protect Hamaoka nuclear plant

Typhoon moves away from Japan, leaving 16 dead or missing

Japanese families, activists visit Washington to plead for safety of Fukushima's children

Typhoon batters Japan but nuclear plant safe; M5.3 quake strikes Ibaraki

Workers race to protect nuclear plant from typhoon

TEPCO considers cutting pensions to pay compensation

TEPCO says up to 500 tons of groundwater flowing into Fukushima nuclear plant

*End Update*
*Update 9/20/2011*
( technically it's the 20th, but right now in Japan it is the 21st so some reports below this may say sept 21st)

 This video below by the tepco pres is only in Japanese, hopefully one will be updated with subs.

-Typhoon Roke brings downpours 

-Japan develops auto-guiding radiotherapy device

-1 dead, 2 missing, over 1 million urged to evacuate as typhoon nears 

-TEPCO says up to 500 tons of groundwater flowing into Fukushima nuclear plant

-Thousands march against nuclear power in Tokyo

-Hosono tells IAEA that Japan will have 'safer nuclear future'

-Evacuees visit homes in Fukushima no-go zone

-TEPCO compensation hotline overwhelmed by 3,000 complaints per day

-M6.6 quake, 5 aftershocks hit Iwate, neighboring areas

-Beef shipments resume from Fukushima Pref

-Japan to build floating wind farm near Fukushima nuclear plant

-Sailor in Hawaii finds message in a bottle from Japan  

-Radioactive waste shipment arrives in Aomori

-Second Fukushima plant unlikely to reopen: Edano

-M6.2 earthquake hits northeast Japan; no tsunami warning

-Endangered cranes arrive in Taiwan from Japan

-TEPCO starts sending out claim forms for compensation 

-Only 4 of 31 tsunami-hit sites have finalized reconstruction plans

-Japan's nuclear disaster - six months on

-Silence as Japan marks six months after tsunami

*End Update*

*Update* 9/10/2011*

-Tepco builds frame of cover for reactor No. 1-Click Here For Article

-Haryana farmers oppose land acquisition for nuke plant-Click Here For Article

 -Joint memorial service held in Soma City-Click Here For Article

- Sea radiation from Fukushima seen triple Tepco estimate-Click Here For Article

-Industry minister resigns after 8 days over 'town of death' comment-Click Here For Article

-Noda visits tsunami-hit Miyagi, Iwate as Japan mourns dead-Click Here For Article

-EU to maintain safety checks on food from Japan-Click Here For Article

-Kan forced older nuclear plant workers to stay on duty after tsunami: report-Click Here For Article

-Victims struggling six months after quake, tsunami-Click Here For Article

-Gov't lifts restrictions on power use in and around Tokyo-Click Here For Article

-NHK to broadcast special programs on 6-month anniversary of Great East Japan Earthquake-Click Here For Article

-Noda visits 3 prefectures hit by typhoon-Click Here For Article

-Japan urges Russia to stop bomber flights-Click Here For Article

-Japan test fires Venus probe engine-Click Here For Article

-Quake shakes nuclear zone-Click Here For Article

-Tourism flatlines as visitors avoid Japan-Click Here For Article

-Spain honors heroes of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant crisis-Click Here For Article

-Fukushima to get power theme park for children(Wow!! This is horrible!!No kid should be allowed near the radiation zone)-Click Here For Full Story

*End Update*

*Update 9/05/2011*

-Killer typhoon brings new misery to beleaguered Japan. Rescue teams scour center of county after Typhoon Talas; at least 34 deaths reported- Click Here For Article

-Rescue teams search for bodies after typhoon leaves 34 dead, 56 missing-Click Here For Article

-Nuclear legacy: photos tell tale of 2 ghost town-Click Here For Article/Photos

-Japan may soon lose top longevity ranking-Click Here For Article

-Hosono says all of Japan should help with Fukushima's contaminated debris-Click Here For Article

-Poland to trade AAUs for Japan's energy technology-Click Here For Article

-Special Report: The nuclear industry's trillion dollar question-Click Here For Article.

-Niigata hotels to accept tsunami survivors-Click Here For Article.

Fukushime Live You Tube Channel!!

*End Update*

*Update 8/31/2011* 

Video of Fukushima Worker Pointing at Live Feed Camera Pt-1  (kinda creepy)


-"Yoshihiko Noda, a 54-year-old former finance minister who wants to curb Japan's huge public debt, becomes the country's sixth prime minister in five years."-Click Here For Article

-2 workers showered with highly radioactive water-Click Here For Article

-TEPCO presents plan to extract melted rods-Click Here For Article

-Farmers in 11 prefectures seek damage from TEPCO-Click Here For Article

-Evacuation centers close in northeastern Japan-Click Here For Article
-Britain's Tesco to sell network of 129 small supermarkets in Japan-Click Here For Article.

-TEPCO to pay compensation to Fukushima evacuees from Oct.-Click Here For Article 

-Paladin: Fukushima impact on nuclear lingers, but outlook strong-Click Here For Article

-2 men arrested for stealing from Fukushima exclusion zone-Click Here For Article

-Rice shipped from Fukushima Prefecture-Click Here For Article

-Anger mounts in tsunami-hit areas over political power games-Click Here For Article

-Quake-prone Japan looks at geothermal energy-Click Here For Article

-Japan cuts radiation exposure limits for children- Click Here For Article

-Beef containing radioactive cesium served to elementary school children in Kanagawa-Click Here For Article

-Kurion says Fukushima plant contaminated water cesium levels reduced by more than 40%-Click Here For Article 

-Fukushima cesium leaks 'equal 168 Hiroshima bombs,' says report-Click Here For Article

-Radioactive decontamination task force launched in Fukushima-Click Here For Article

-American Red Cross contributions to Japan's tsunami recovery reach $260 million-Click Here For Article

-Quake jolts eastern Japan; no tsunami threat-Click Here For Article 

-Gov't may buy land within 20-km radiation no-go zone-Click Here For Article

*End Update*

 *Update 8/20/2011* 

-New system improves Fukushima decontamination-Click Here For Article 

-New office to address radioactive contamination-Click Here For Article

-Hosono OKs allowing residents within 3 km of plant to visit homes-Click Here For Article

 *I do not think anyone should be allowed in 8km let alone 3km of Fukushima, the radiation has to still be high.*

-Tsunami was tracked by radar for first time-Click Here For Article

-45% of children tested near Fukushima plant have radioactive elements in thyroid glands-Click Here For Article

-Traces of radioactive cesium detected in Ibaraki rice-Click Here For Article

-China Finds 100,000 SQ Miles of Radiation In Pacific Ocean 300 Times Higher Than Normal-Click Here For Article

-Gov't lifts beef ban for Miyagi Prefecture-Click Here For Article

-Japan researcher develops low-cost plastic radiation detectors-Click Here For Article

-"(Reuters) - More than five months after a massive magnitude 9.0 earthquake and a deadly tsunami ravaged Japan's northeast coast, the nation has yet to come up with a detailed action plan and the money needed to rebuild the devastated areas."-Click Here For Article

-Magnitude 6.8 quake jolts Japan off Fukushima, no damage-Click Here For Article

 *End Update*

*Update 8/10/2011

-Japan Held Nuclear Data, Leaving Evacuees in Peril-Click Here For Article.

-Parents of 4 children in bus swept away by tsunami sue kindergarten-Click Here For Article.

-Japan ignored own radiation forecasts from very beginning-Click Here For Article. 

 -Tsunami broke huge icebergs off Antarctic-Click Here For Article. 

 -Japan's unpopular PM signals he's ready to quit-Click Here For Article.

-Rice from town near Tokyo is radiation-free, tests show-Click Here For Article.

-5 months after March 11th disaster-Click here for video and article.

 *End Update*

*Update 8/01/2011*

-Strong quake jolts central Japan, no tsunami alert-Click Here For Article.

-Japan-India EPA enters into force-Click Here For Article.

-Govt bans beef cattle shipments from Iwate-Click Here For Article.

-Kan criticizes nuclear safety agency, cozy ties to industry-Click Here For Article.

-7 injured as M6.4 quake shakes Fukushima-Click Here For Article.

-Sushi industry hurting from radiation scare-Click Here For Article.

-Japanese rice to be tested for radioactive cesium-Click Here For Article.

*Update 7/30/2011*

 Magnitude 6.4 earthquake hits off Japan-Story Here. Image is via CNN

-1 dead, 5 missing as floods hit Niigata, Fukushima-Click Here For Article.

-Nuclear safety agency under fire over fake question-Click Here For Article. 

-Contaminated beef served in Gifu school lunches- Click Here For Article.

-Japan vows to skirt nuclear shutdown, watchdog embarassed-Click Here For Article.

-About 20,600 dead or missing in March 11 disaster- Click Here For Article.

-Torrential rain hits Niigata, Fukushima-Click Here For Article.

 *End Update*

  *Update 7/27/2011*
-Uncertainty remains over TEPCO compensation bill-Click Here For Article

-Radioactive cesium found in compost in Akita-Click Here For Article.

-Japan to buy up and burn radiation-tainted beef-Click Here For Article.
-(Reuters) - Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant ranked as one of the most dangerous in the world for radiation exposure years before it was destroyed by the meltdowns and explosions that followed the March 11 earthquake.-Click Here For Article.

-Japanese Buddhist priest discusses spiritual toll of nuclear crisis-Click Here For Article.

-Japanese survivors invited to Taiwan-Click Here For Article. 

-Japan, Russia agree to cooperate on energy-Click Here For Video and Article.

-Document: 1600 Fukushima Workers Thought to Be Exposed to High Radiation-Click Here For Article.
Video below:

-Fukushima LDP Lawmaker: My Party Also to Blame-Click Here For Article.

-Children in Fukushima to be given regular cancer tests-Click Here For Article.

*End Update*

*Update 7/19/2011*

-Typhoon Ma-on bringing heavy rain to Japan- Click Here For Article. 

-Govt to step up radiation monitoring-Click Here For Article.

-Efforts to stabilize nuclear crisis on track, say gov't, TEPCO-Click Here For Article

-Japan bans all cattle shipments from Fukushima over radiation fears-Click Here For Article

- (Reuters) - More than 500 beef cattle that ate feed contaminated by radioactive material from Fukushima have already shipped to other parts of Japan, an initial result of inspections on the area's farms showed Monday.- Click Here Fore Article

-(Reuters) - Japan's Kansai Electric Power Co on Saturday shut down one of its reactors due to technical glitches, worsening a tight power supply that is stifling manufacturers.Click Here For Article

-Nuclear Power after Fukushima (Webcast)-Click here for video and article.

-Nuke workers toiling under intense heat- Click Here For Article

*End Update*


-Report From Tokyo: My Final Report-Click Here For Article.

-7.3 Magnitude Earthquake Rocks Northeastern Japan- Click Here For Article.

-Strong earthquake rattles tsunami-weary Japan( same story more detail different source-Click Here For Article

-TEPCO halts water decontamination system after chemical leakage- Click Here For Article

-Japan mulling purchase of defense satellite from U.S.-Click Here For Article

-Gov't to conduct 2-stage 'stress tests' for nuclear reactors- Click Here For Article

-Dismantling Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant to take several decades- Click Here For Article.

-More Fukushima beef found contaminated with cesium- Click Here For Article

-Cattle farm inspected for radiation-tainted beef-Click Here For Article and Video.

-Message from Fukushima (engl. subtitles via CC-Menu) Video below:

*End Update*

- Japan's tsunami recovery stalls- Click Here For Article.

-Pest exterminators mobilized to help in quake-hit regions-Click Here For Article.

-Restart of Genkai reactors put on hold amid distrust of gov't- Click Here For Article.

-Japan nuclear restart in doubt as test plan provokes fury- Click Here For Article.

-Japan invites foreign journalists to show recovery efforts in Tohoku- Click Here For Article.

-Water treatment, cooling systems finally working-Click Here For Link.

-Japan, China parliamentarians resume exchange meeting- Click Here For Article.

-Japan's Kaieda: to take blame for nuclear restart confusion- Click Here For Article.

-Japan core machinery orders up, recovery under way- Click Here For Article.

-Japan local governments step back from nuclear restarts- Click Here For Article.

-Job 1 for Hirano is rebuilding public trust- Click Here For Article.

-Kan under fire in wake of Matsumoto's resignation- Click Here For Article.

-Reactor cooling to be accelerated in August-Click Here For Article and Video.

*End Update*

-Japan Lies( no surprise) to it's people about Fukushima link to article/video here.

-Magnitude 5.4 earthquake jolts western Japan- Click Here For Article.

- Reconstruction minister resigns over offensive remarks; Hirano takes over-Click Here For Article.

-NEC, Lenovo finalize deal to become Japan’s No. 1 PC company- Click Here For Article.

-45% of kids in Fukushima survey had thyroid exposure to radiation- Click Here For Article

-Panel on Russia-Japan history to be established-Click Here For article

-Fukushima to begin checking people for internal exposure next week- Click Here For Article.

-European Union to require radiation checks on food from Shizuoka- Click Here For Article.

- Foreign ministers of Japan, China call for improved relations- Click Here For Article.

-Sony says PSN, Qriocity services will resume in Japan on Wednesday- Click Here For Article.

-Huge rare earth deposits found in Pacific: Japan- Click Here For Article.

-Japan cabinet approves $25 billion more for disaster relief- Click Here For Article.

-4 local governments seek to scrap nuclear plants- Click Here For Article.

-Emergency generators faulty at 2 nuclear plants- Click Here For Article.

-Woman living in Fukushima shelter burns herself to death in apparent suicide- Click Here For Article
-Gov't finds all surveyed bathing areas suitable for swimming- Click Here For Article
-Japan, U.S. to rearrange PM's visit if Kan resigns- Click Here For Article
-Japan experts design superelastic alloy, may resist quakes- Click Here For Article
-Hello Kitty goes crystal for Japan disaster relief- Click Here For Article
-TEPCO uses robot to clean No.3 reactor- Click Here For Article and Video!
-TEPCO: Nuclear fuel pool cooled to stable level- Click Here For Article
-"More than 100,000 tons of highly radioactive wastewater now flood the facility to capacity, as water continues to be poured in to prevent further massive radioactive emissions. As a result, large amounts of radiation, on a scale comparable to Chernobyl, have already been released into the air, earth, and ocean. Further releases will continue, probably for years."- Click Here For Article
-Meltdown: What Really Happened at Fukushima?- Click Here For Article
-UPDATE 2-Venezuela oil sector gets $1.5 bln loan from Japan- Click Here For Article
-34,000 Fukushima children to receive radiation meters- Click Here For Article
-Shareholders hammer Tepco over nuclear fiasco- Click Here For Article
-Kan keeps foes on edge over resignation timetable- Click Here For Article
-U.S. envoy Roos visits hard-hit areas in Iwate- Click Here For Article
-TEPCO finds minor leaks in reactor cooling system- Click Here For Article
-Quake Rattles Northeast Japan(6.7 quake, so far no damage reported)-Click Here For Article
-TEPCO struggling with water treatment system at plant- Click Here For Article
-Okinawa leaders slam Japan-U.S. deal on Futenma base- Click Here For Article
-Japan seeks to extend parliament, PM clings to post- Click Here For Article
-Missing pets a lingering legacy of Japan's disasters- Click Here For Article
-Fukushima Cover Up Continues Amid Looming World Health Crisis- Click Here For Article
-Japanese kids don radiation readers- Click Here For Article
-Fukushima Nuclear Plant Remains 'Ticking Time Bomb' After Japan Disaster: Michio Kaku, Theoretical Physicist- Click Here For Article
-Operator Of Damaged Plant Suspends Clean-Up Due To Rising Radiation Level- Click Here For Article
-US Senate moves to freeze Japan base move -Click Here For Article
-Japanese Buddhist priest discusses spiritual toll of nuclear crisis- Click Here For Article
( I have noticed something strange about Japan Today website. They no longer are putting local news first but national news first. Is this because more people were using them as a source to find out about Fukushima? On their front page before they would have local news not national news. Also it seems the couple of days Fukushima news has taken a back seat or hidden seat. Although I do think only so much more can happen with Fukushima. The radiation is still there, sea water is still effected as are animals in the area. Reuters coverage on Japan has also been lacking. MSN is a joke once a month you may find something good on Japan. NHK is still a good source and probably thus far the best to use. I do think either two things are going to happen. We are going to be censored soon completely about Fukushima or news on Japans end will be censored by their government. Either way news on Japan is slowing down.)
6/14/2011( some articles say 6/15/2011 because in Japan right now it is the 15th)
-Japan’s Richest Man Challenges Nuclear Future With Nationwide Solar Plans-Click Here For Article
-Gov't to monitor swimming areas for radiation-Click Here For Article
-Cesium detected in two whales caught off Hokkaido-Click Here For Article
-Nuclear plant operators compile measures to prevent severe accidents-Click Here For Article
-Green tea made by 5 Shizuoka plants contaminated with radiation-Click Here For Article
-Japan to retain nuclear power as main energy source: Kaieda-Click Here For Article
-Over 2 million Japanese on welfare-Click Here For Article
-To survive, tsunami-hit community may flee the sea- Click Here For Article
-Japan's radiation fallout 'a monster you can't see'- Click Here For Article
-Despite Radiation, Some Japanese Villagers Stay Put- Click Here For Article
-Power outages at Japan's Fukushima plant, cooling continues- Click Here For Article
-Radiation levels to be checked at 100 places in Tokyo- Click Here For Article
-Death notification procedures simplified after March disaster- Click Here For Article
-IAEA to ask Japan for transparent nuclear report- Click Here For Article
-Fukushima 'lessons' may take 10 years to learn- Click Here For Article
-Looming power crisis could cost electric firms 2 trillion yen- Click Here For Article
-Japan Doubles Its Radiation Leak Estimate For The Fukushima Plant- Click Here For Article
-Fukushima Reactor No. 1 more radioactive than ever-Click Here For Article
-Japan PM Kan to step down by August- Click Here For Article
-Local officials stop providing welfare benefits to some survivors- Click Here For Article
-ASEAN goodwill caravan comforts disaster victims with food, music- Click Here For Article
-March 11 disaster already causes 145 business failures- Click Here For Article
-Radiation level extremely high in Fukushima- Click Here For Article
-"By June, the official count of dead and missing remained above 24,000. Tens of thousands of people remained housed in temporary shelters or evacuated their homes due to the nuclear crisis."- Click Here For Article
-Latest video of Fukushima plant-Click Here For Video!
-Obama: Japan, Europe and fuel pose economic risks-Click Here For Article
-Japan may face green tea shortage due to radiation leakes from Fukushima plant-Click Here For Article
-This could just be a birth defect but you never really will know...Video Below:

-IAEA Briefing on Fukushima Nuclear Accident (2 June 2011, 18:30 UTC)- Click Here For Article
-TEPCO begins to pay compensation to farmers, fishermen- Click Here For Article
-Japan wants to deploy robots for highly irradiated environment- Click Here For Article
-Fukushima tsunami plan based on single page- Click Here For Article
-"The operator of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant says it has detected high levels of a radioactive substance that tends to accumulate in human bones." -Click Here For Article
-Oil spill, blast hit crippled Fukushima nuclear plant- Click Here For Article
-No-confidence vote looms for Japan PM- Click Here For Article
-Japan jobless rises; factory output rebounds- Click Here For Article
-Cooling system restored at Fukushima No. 5 unit- Click Here For Article
-Japan nuclear crisis: Pensioners seek work at Fukushima ( video in article)- Click Here For Article and Video!

- Soil contamination from Fukushima crisis comparable to Chernobyl: study- Click Here For Article

-Japan unlikely to build new nuclear plants after crisis, Kan tells FT- Click Here For Article
-M5.1 quake jolts Fukushima Pref, no tsunami warning issued- Click Here For Article
-Tepco confirms meltdowns at 2 more Fukushima reactors- Click Here For Article
-Reuters) - Japan's government agreed on Friday to set up a fund with taxpayer money to help Tokyo Electric Power compensate victims of the crisis at its tsunami-crippled nuclear plant and avoid financial collapse.- Click Here For Article
-(Reuters) - One of the reactors at Japan's crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant has a hole in its main vessel following a meltdown of fuel rods, leading to a leakage of radioactive water, its operator said on Thursday.- Click Here For Article
-Japan Offers Help to Pay Plant Victims- Click Here For Article
-Nuclear fuel at Fukushima No. 1 unit melted after full exposure ( this article goes into more details then reuters) - Click Here For Article
-Japan to cull ( cull means kill) livestock in no-go zone near Fukushima plant - Click Here For Article
*Personal Note* If your from America and you noticed no media outlet has reported about Japan that is because it is being regulated. MSN and even CNN make finding Japan news hard. It is sad that we have to dig for the information and put in certain phrases to see reports.

-Japan: Seeking higher ground.- Click Here For Article
-Why Can't We Turn Away From Coal As Japan Has Turned Away From Nuclear? Click Here For Article
-Japanese Red Cross so far has Y174 bil in quake relief donations. Click Here For Article
-Magnitude 5.6 - RYUKYU ISLANDS, JAPAN,2011 May 05 23:21:22 UTC Click Here For Article

-(Reuters) - Japanese workers entered the No.1 reactor building at the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant Thursday for the first time since a hydrogen explosion ripped off its roof a day after a devastating March 11 earthquake and tsunami.-Click Here For Article
-(Reuters) - An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.1 struck off the coast of eastern Japan early on Friday, the U.S. Geological Survey said. but there were no immediate reports of any casualties or damage.- Click Here For Article
-(Reuters) - Bailed-out insurer American International Group lost more than $1 billion from its ongoing operations in the first quarter, as the company took a huge charge for the termination of its credit facility with the Federal Reserve.AIG's Chartis unit also racked up $864 million in catastrophe losses related to the March 11 earthquake in Japan. The company, one of the top foreign insurers in Japan, had previously warned of substantial quake charges. Click Here For Article
-Edano urges Tohoku Electric to ensure safety at Onagawa nuclear plant- Click Here For Article
-Japan files protest over French TV show on quake, nuclear emergency -click here for summary!
-The Association of Southeast Asian Nations is preparing to send a convoy of volunteers to areas of Japan devastated by the March 11 earthquake and tsunami, an ASEAN official said Thursday. Click Here For Article

-summary of Fukushima reactor unit status at 3 May 2011-click here for summary!
-Tourists visiting Fukushima despite nuclear fears- Click Here For Article
-Fukushima Plate warns you on radioactive levels in your food ( crazy) click here to see plate!
-(Reuters) - The U.S. nuclear safety regulator is studying whether to require plants to more quickly move radioactive waste out of pools as part of a review on safety in the wake of Japan's nuclear disaster, its chairman said on Monday. -Click Here For Article
-Japan ‘Dynamic Defense Force’ moves toward implementation- Click Here For Article
- Death Toll Combination Drops Near 25,500 -Click Here For Article
- I just found this on youtube although date is for 28th. New video footage of Japan.

-Japanese government nuclear adviser quits,Toshiso Kosako says radiation limits too high. Click Here For Article
-All 6 units of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station have been shut down. Click Here For Article
-(Reuters) - Bank of Japan Governor Masaaki Shirakawa said on Saturday that the country's economic outlook was very severe and that the central bank would take appropriate action to support the economy. Click Here For Article
-(technically this was produced May 1st but here it is still April 30th)Tabloids warn of major quake beneath Tokyo. Click Here For Article
On a side note I wonder how censored these articles are and what information is really blocked. I use various sources so it is not to hard for me to gain information and find information.

It seems to get harder and harder to find Facts about Japan. You will see why in a min:
-Japan admits fault over calculations on radiation ( not good higher then forecasted) Click Here For Video!
- New TEPCO videos found of Fukushima during Tsunami Click Here to see Vid and Photo
-Any animals with in 20Km of Fukushima plant are to be killed on site.
-Radiation in the seawater surrounding the Fukushima plane it hitting an all time high.Click Here For Article
-"Air within the plant is also highly contaminated with several areas showing 40 to 70 millisieverts. The Japanese government has raised the legal limit on the amount of radiation that each worker can be exposed to. to 250 millisieverts." ( ok so look they were getting really bad raditation before raising it doesn't make the effects go away) Click Here For Article
-Japan's Prime Minister and Governmental officials have decided to censor information about Fukushima and its current crises. This is why in order to find information one must search for it and know what to put in to get a good report. Here is the link to the story: Click Here For Article

Fukushima Reactor 1 Update: No Water On The Fuel Rods, TEPCO Guesstimates 70% Melted - 24/04/11 Video Below

-Japan gets hit with an 5.8 after shock.
- Japans Prime Minister declares the Fukushima 20km zone a NO GO zone.( I personally believe anyone in Japan should stay 80Km from the reactors) He did not say what penalty will be if anyone is found in 20km of Fukushima. (However I believe they will hopefully be just kicked out and maybe detained for radiation screening.)
New video released of cattle near the fukushima plant ( hard to watch)

-(Reuters) - Japan plans to set up a government-backed insurance fund to put money into Tokyo Electric Power and pay compensation stemming from the disaster at its Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, the Nikkei newspaper said.
-28 of the 300 workers at the Fukushima plant have received high radiation dosages. Although this news is sad, unlike Chernobyl no one has died of radiation poisoning.

-Japan's Citizens and Politicians are wanting the PM Naoto Kan to quit due to his improper handling of Japans crisis.
- Protests have been continued at TEPCO's head quarters over the way the nuclear crises has been handled.
-There are more signs of fuel rod damage at reactor number four, fukushima. The water surrounding the reactor continues to heat up and has yet to cool down. The water is used to cool the reactor down.
End Update
-On main stream media there have been conflicting reports. Another aftershock/tremor hit Japan today. One report (msn) is claiming it was a 7.1. On the other report (Reuters) it was a 6.6. The aftershock shook north eastern Japan killing one man thus far.( this has just happened more deaths could be reported.)
-Due to aftershock 220,000 homes are with out power. This has also caused a brief halt into pumping water into the Fukushima Reactors to cool them.
-Due to high levels of accumulating radiation Japan has decided to expand the evacuation zone around Fukushima. They want people to say away from Fukushima plant at about 20-30 KM. ( my honest opinion is 80km which was recommended by the U.K when this first went down.)
-New videos have been released showing footage of the Fukushima plant being hit by Tsunami waves; there is also new footage of the quake and tsunami for different areas in Japan.
-On April 28th a new safety measure will start. This measure will require "nuclear power companies to install at least two emergency diesel engines even at reactors that are not in operation and are kept at low temperatures, such as at the Higashidori plant."-(reuters, NISA)
(as I was typing just got this in)- Nuclear power plant Fukushima temporarily evacuated.
(technically this was reported Tuesday 4/12/2011 but since it's still Monday here in the US..)-The Fukushima Power Plant has been raised to a level 7 catastrophe making it as dangerous as Chernobyl.
-"Nearly 28,000 Japanese are dead or missing and the world's third-largest economy is reeling with power blackouts, factory closures and cuts to supply lines. The disaster is estimated to cost heavily indebted Japan some $300 billion, making it the world's most costly."-reuters
*End Update*

-It was reported a 7.4 earth quake hit Thursday On Northeastern Japan, but it was wrong. It was a 7.1 earth quake; Three people were killed and 141 were injured. Due to the earth quake it has now been reported four million homes are with out power.
-At Fukushima engineers are pumping low-level radioactive seawater, used to cool overheated fuel rods, back into the sea due to a lack of storage capacity. ( I guess this means the mega float is either full or going to be filled with the new radiated sea water..what a mess this is)
-China's Foreign Ministry Hong Lei says ""As Japan's neighbor, we naturally express our concern about this, We ask that Japan reports the relevant information to the Chinese side in a swift, comprehensive and accurate way." ( China is concerned about radiation going into the ocean, China has found ships, cargo and air-crafts with higher then normal levels of radiation)
*End Update*

-Trace levels of radioactive material had been detected in the air in 22 Chinese provinces but the amounts did not pose a threat to health or the environment, China's state news agency Xinhua said.
-In South Korea, some schools closed on Thursday because parents were worried rain could be toxic. The few schools that closed were expected to reopen on Friday.

-India said a blanket ban on food items imported from Japan was not warranted, although authorities would monitor the situation every week, a source in the Trade Ministry said.

-7.4 Earth Quake(aftershock) hits Northern Japan. No damages or injuries have been reported yet due to quake, warning of a Tsunami is on the way.

-People from the northern eastern part of Japan are asked to evacuate now to higher ground.
(newer update below)
-Due to 7.4 after shock seven people were reported injured, two of them seriously, a spokesman for the National Police Agency said
-Tsunami warning called off.
*End Update*

-Radiation that was leaking into the ocean from Fukushima has been stopped.
-There are over 1,000 dead corpses around the Fukushima plant and due to their contamination the Japanese government is unsure what to do about them.
-Due to the Japan crises automakers had to cut overtime because of car parts shortage.
-Fukushima reactor One is having Nitrogen Gas pumped into it to prevent a build up of Hydrogen.
-End Update!

-Damages from Fukushima,Tsunami and earth quake are said to cost Japan over 300 Billion dollars.
-Fukushima Reactor Number 2 is leaking radiation into the ocean.
-Concrete used to plug the reactors in fukushima has failed.
-Water that was pumped into the plants is being stored into a "Mega-Float"; a barge that will float in Shizouka.
-The Fukushima 50,The "Fukushima 50"—actually around 300 techinicans, firemen, and soldiers working in shifts of 50, were told they could die with in weeks. Such horrible news :(
End Update!
3/28/2011 Update
-Plutonium is found in the soil by the Fukushima plant
-Groundwater, reservoirs and sea water in Japan are contaminated due to radiation by the nuclear power plant
-Fukushima Radiation Found In Massachusetts Rainwater
-More radiation found in U.S via Fukushima "Detected radiation: Sensors in California, Washington, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts have reported low radiation levels in rainfall, while North Carolina, South Carolina and Florida have reported radiation in the air"

-Tokyo, March 28 (Jiji Press)--The death toll from the 9.0-magnitude earthquake and huge tsunami in Japan on March 11 topped 11,000 Monday night, the National Police Agency said.
As of 9 p.m. (noon GMT), a total of 11,004 people were confirmed dead in the disaster that mainly hit the Tohoku northeastern Japan region, the agency said.
The death toll reached 6,692 in hardest-hit Miyagi Prefecture, 3,264 in Iwate Prefecture, north of Miyagi, and 990 in Fukushima Prefecture, south of Miyagi.
Meanwhile, 17,339 people were unaccounted for in six prefectures, including 7,588 in Miyagi, 5,093 in Fukushima and 4,654 in Iwate.
The combined number of dead and missing people came to 28,343.
End Update! ( so very sad...)
3/27/2011 Update!!
Radioactivity soars inside Japanese reactor, workers evacuated

(Reuters) - Japanese engineers struggled on Sunday to pump radioactive water from a crippled nuclear power station while the United Nations' chief nuclear inspector said the crisis triggered by this month's earthquake and tsunami was far from over.
(Reuters) - Radioactive iodine in sea-water off Japan's crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant rose to 1,850 times the usual level from 1,250 times measured on Saturday, Japan's nuclear safety agency said on Sunday.
End Update!
3/24/2011 Update!!

*Many shops in Tokyo have run out of bottled water after radiation from a damaged nuclear plant makes tap water unsafe for babies.

*Chiba prefecture, adjacent to the capital, has detected radioactive substances in its water purification system in amounts above what is considered safe for infants.
*Radioactive caesium 1.8 times higher than the standard level is found in a green leafy vegetable grown in a research facility in Tokyo, Kyodo news agency reports.
*Singapore and Australia join the United States and Hong Kong in restricting food and milk imports from the zone around the crippled nuclear power plant.
*Some merchant vessels may be avoiding Tokyo port due to concerns that crew members may be exposed to radiation, a shipping industry official says.
*About 300 engineers, struggling to regain control of nuclear plant, resume work on at the No.3 reactor, considered the most critical, after a one-day suspension when black smoke was seen rising.

End Update
3/22/2011 Update!!
* Radiation found in sea water, milk, vegetables
* Power cables now hooked to all 6 reactors at crippled plant
* Earthquake, tsunami left 21,000 dead or missing
*Water covering the spent fuel rods at reactor #4 is heating up and is close to boiling, Nuclear safety agency official Hidehiko Nishiyama tells the AP. We could see more emissions and a rise in radiation.

3/21/2011 Update!!
Official death toll from earthquake and tsunami 8,450 with 12,931 missing. Police say more than 15,000 feared dead in Miyagi prefecture alone.
Tests detect radiation above the national safety level in spinach and milk produced near the Fukushima plant. A sample of tap water from Tokyo shows a tiny level of radioactive.
The health ministry said that radiation levels exceeded safety standards in Fukushima and nearby Ibaraki prefecture. It said it had prohibited the sale of raw milk from Fukushima prefecture.
High quantities of radioactive cesium and iodine were detected in nearby seawater, according to Kyodo.
At least cooling operations are making some progress.
Concrete is being poured into the dangerous spent fuel rod pool at reactor #4. The Japanese government says power may be turned on soon. Work to restore power to #3 and #4 was temporarily halted when certain reactors began emitting black smoke. Seawater is being pumped into reactors #1 and #2.
*end update*

3/18/2011 update!!!
(Reuters) - Minuscule amounts of radioactive particles believed to have come from Japan's Fukushima nuclear power plant have been detected on the U.S. west coast, two diplomatic sources said Friday.- /2011/03/18/us-japan-quake-ctb to-radiation-idUSTRE72G26T2011 0318
The moment nuclear plant chief WEPT as Japanese finally admit that radiation leak is serious enough to kill people -
(Reuters) - A "Chernobyl solution" may be the last resort for dealing with Japan's stricken nuclear plant, but burying it in sand and concrete is a messy fix that might leave part of the country as an off-limits radioactive sore for decades.- icle/2011/03/18/us-japan-c hernobyl-idUSTRE72H2QG2011 0318

*end update*
First I would like to state my condolences go out to the families effected by these tragedies.

As most of you know by now Japan had a 8.9 earth quake. Following the earth quake was a huge Tsunami. Many people have lost their lives due to those disasters, but Japan is not out of the water yet. Fukushima and Onagawa are two nuclear power plants which are leaking radiation. However it is unclear at how bad the leakage is. People near these power plants have been evacuated and thus far 15 people have been effected by radiation. France authorities has told their citizens to get out of Tokyo due to radiation fears. Seawater is being used at both facilities to cool down the reactors to prevent a full meltdown.

If you would like to help Japan please visit the red cross site and donate what you can here:The Red Cross

To get updated on the Nuclear Reactors go here: Fukushima Power Plant

My biggest fear that I have is if both plants have a total meltdown. Not only will many citizens of Japan lose their lives; but other countries will be effected. If Radiation gets into the atmosphere it can travel to different parts of the world. Due to the current air flow if radiation got into the air the radiation would take 36 hours to reach the west coast of the United States. I hope that Japan is able to get both plants under control so no one else has to suffer; Japan has been through enough already.
It seems Fukushima has gotten much worse. The UK has asked all its citizens to leave Tokyo. *Update 3/16/2011*All reactors at Fukushima are having issues are starting to melt down. Reactor #4 is the most recent problem. 50 workers have decided to stay and help stop the reactors from melting down. According to the U.S Fukushima was listed as a level 4 emergency, but now they raised the bar to level 6. The gov is stating that if all reactors go it will be a level 7 emergency even with Chernobyl.
To be updated on current events about Fukushima and Japan go here: