Friday, September 30, 2011

USPS Losing Offices, Losing Jobs!

08/21/2011. (Updates will appear at the bottom of this post)

United States Postal Service Losing Offices, Losing Jobs. 

Many USPS offices have been shutting down due to financial issues costing many employees to lose their job. One issue the USPS faces is their Civil Service Retirement System. Each year the USPS is required to fund their CSRS.The CSRS is a fund which holds future retiree money. For every future employee the USPS puts money for that employee into the CSRS. The USPS is basically assuming every future employee they have will retire with them. The USPS is the only business that is required to do this. Every year the USPS has paid 5.5 billion into the CSRS. According to Office of Inspector General (OIG), the USPS overpaid 75Billion into the CSRS. As of right now the government is not required to pay back any of the over payment, even though currently offices and jobs have been lost due to the USPS's financial issues.Unlike Fedex the USPS does not receive tax subsidies.

To get a better grasp on USPS financial issue visit USPS Office of Inspector General

Help Save Jobs and USPS!

If the USPS was allowed to halt paying 5.5billion a year this would allow some offices and some jobs to be saved. Please contact your local Representatives and ask them to allow USPS to put a moratorium on paying into the CSRS. 

Also visit Save The Post Office. This site has a petition to sign and also posts updated info on closed offices and news on the post office issue.

Currently the USPS has a contract which prevents some employees from being laid off if they have been employed with USPS for a certain amount of years. According to some workers this contract is at risk from being broke.

In my opinion the post office is as stretched thin as it can get. I can't see how they can lay off any more people. Most post offices I have been into only have one or two employees working the desk. Unless a moratorium is put on the CSRS then the USPS is going to be almost nonexistent. 

*Update 09/30/2011*

*End Update*
*Update 09/19/2011*
APWU will be airing this commercial on a lot of sports channels.

*update 9/12/2011*
It seems the mainstream media is finally bringing awareness to the USPS issue!
*End Update*

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