Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11 First Responders Denied Care?

September 11

I am posting this today because I want every American to do what is right. No civilian, police officer, fire fighter, military personnel should be denied government health treatment for any illness!! I'm not requiring anyone to read this full article, but if you do anything please scroll down to the bottom and demand all First Responders get full Cancer or any other health illness covered by government. There have been first responders who have been denied treatment due to no proof they got the illness because of September 11th.

9/11 First Responders Denied Memorial?

This year it was announced by New York's Mayor Bloomberg the 9/11 first responders will not be attending the World Trade Center Memorial. The reason was blamed on the lack of room. This is a farce. If family members knew in advanced about this issue, I am sure some of them would step aside and give their seat to the many men and women who went to rescue the victims of 9/11. I truly believe the first responders were denied access to the memorial for many reasons. The main reason is the first responders health care bill. The Mayor and other politicians don't want the first responders showing up and telling the truth about how our government refuses to treat first responders; being officers, firefighters, priests and citizens of their health issues. First responders should always be allowed to attend any 9/11 ceremony.

To contact Mayor Bloomberg and express your disapproval of his decision Click Here!

CNN has an awesome article that also suggests the first responders  health care bill is the reason for the denied invitations- First responders decry exclusion from 9/11 ceremony.

9/11 First Responders Denied Care?

Ten years after 9/11/01, the first responders health care bill passed. Story here. Many first responders were suffering from a lot of health issues, like cancer. One of the reasons this bill passed was partly because Jon Stewart aired this video: Jon Stewart Interviews 9/11 Responders. Jon Stewart was able to bring awareness to the public about the men and women who have been ignored by our government. In the John Stewart interview with first responders, many first responders claim their insurance doesn't cover their treatments. Some have even been denied coverage for their illnesses.   

The First Responders Health Bill does not cover those with cancer.This means you will not get cancer treatment via the government if you were a first responder on 9/11. According to Dr. John Howard, who heads the U.S. Government's World Trade Center Heath Program, said Tuesday in a review, "Insufficient evidence exists at this time to propose a rule to add cancer, or a certain type of cancer, to the list of WTC-related health conditions." More on that story here.

Cnn Just released a report about the first responders and how they have created a cancer club, video below:

Should it matter if the 9/11 Victims or first responders got cancer from 9/11 in order to be treated?

Common sense says of course not! These individuals should be treated regardless if they developed the symptoms from 9/11 or not. The fact they were even there is enough to grant them full treatment. Not one American should be pissed off because their tax dollars is actually going to care for someone who put their life on the line, or who went through such a traumatic event. I find it appalling it took the U.S government nine years to create and pass such a bill. This year we sent 750Mil to fight/help Libya without a flinch. Our gov couldn't send aid to help the people of 9/11 with out going through a fiasco?  I don't want my tax dollars used ( which it is) to kill people. I would rather it go to saving American lives. Our government and some doctors apparently have lost compassion for human life.

Want 9/11 victims treated regardless of what symptoms they have?

Contact your Representatives and let them know you want your Tax Dollars to Help the Victims/First Responders of 9/11 no matter what the cost. We spend so much tax money on war and on killing people, when we should be spending that money on helping our own citizens.

To call the White House: 202-456-1111
Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121

Contact President Obama via e-mail-
Contact You Local Senators:
Contact You Local Congressmen-

Here is TYT's take on this issue:

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